11 agosto 2009

Businessman Stanko Subotic sent a letter from Switzerland. Serbia to investigate accusations by Ratko Knezevic. Author: Stanko Subotic 11.08.2009 BLIC

‘In a pile of lies published about me in recent twenty days in the ‘Blic’ daily there is one good thing. The masks have finally fallen and we can now speak about who and why is doing this’, Subotic’s letter that his legal team forwarded to media, reads.

‘Perhaps I should first deny everything published in ‘Blic’ but why to deny the nonsense?’, Subotic writes.
‘What should I say to claims that that I am involved in murders of numerous people some of them my best friends? What to say to claims that the country that I live in raised charges against me when no charges have ever been nor shall be raised. The same is with alleged charges raised in Italy. What should I say when the chief ‘witness’ against me in ‘Blic’ is a man with a wanted list issued after him and charges for blackmail raised against him?

No denial
‘I shall not deny anything, but I shall file a request to Serbia to immediately launch investigation over articles in ‘Blic’. If I am found guilty let all of my property be taken away from me what is obviously the wish by those who ordered the published articles.
If I am found not guilty then I hope that, if Serbia is democratic and legal country, the people who started this long ago and are still doing it shall have to face the justice. It is known who these people are and I am informing the State of Serbia herewith about their names.
Let the competent authorities start with those less important such as Veselin Simonovic, ‘Blic’ editor in chief. He occupied that position in 2001, too when everything began. The ‘Blic News’ weekly was the leader of a lynch following and even adding to what the ‘Nacional’, the real initiator of the affair was writing. Let he be asked who ordered the articles from him. Personally I would ask him about how he feels doing the same what he did in the first round (in 2001) that resulted in the death of Zoran Djindjic who at that time together with me and Milo Djukanovic was the target of those articles. But no more of him, he is not important at all’.

Articles ordered from Kostunica’s cabinet
‘The crucial are people from the cabinet of former FRY President Vojislav Kostunica: Aleksandar Nikitovic, Aleksandar Tijanic, Rade Bulatovic and Dragan Jocic. They launched the affair and are still keeping it alive with silent approval by the actual authority much to my surprise. Perhaps that is because of connections between Tijanic the Director of the national television (awarded for media lynch of Zoran Djindjic that led to his assassination) and Srdjan Saper, a close associate to Serbia President. They should be questioned by the Attorney general. From that cabinet documents about my alleged involvement in cigarette smuggling were sent to Italy. There are telephone numbers on them showing who was sending them and to whom they were sent. Let they be questioned why they did it and why they are doing it today, too…
Ratko Knezevic worked for them and with them. He should be questioned, too but not like it has been done before when a wanted list was issued for him for blackmail. The same team made possible for Knezevic to be questioned in Zagreb without the presence of Serbian prosecutors. After that the wanted list after him was suspended expressly. Let he come to Belgrade this time and explain how Blagota Sekulic who named Knezevic as a blackmailer who requested that I pay to him 1,600.000 German Marks or else he would spread lies about me, was killed a couple of days after giving the statement. Let he explain his relations with Tijanic. These are the real criminals…

Faked proofs
It is not possible that the authority in Belgrade does not know that because of the proofs faked by Kostunica’s cabinet an investigation was led in France, Switzerland and Lichtenstein and that all of these serious, democratic and legal countries have released me from any doubts of involvement in cigarette smuggling. It is also not possible that the authority in Belgrade does not know that Russia, too released me from any charges that then authority (Nikitovic, Bulatovic, Jocic, Tijanic) was sending to Moscow. Those were not proofs but a pile of lies…
I have been accused for ‘abuse of office’ before the Special court in Belgrade although I have never occupied any state position. I am owner of a private company. Equally stupid is a claim that I have organized a criminal group in which the Customs director, chief and chiefs-of-staff of the State security were my subordinates.
Nevertheless, official Belgrade is allowing this farce continues. Although I was released from any charges by judicial bodies of great European countries, the actual authority in Belgrade does not allow me defend myself from freedom.
When I said that I was ready to give a statement to a court in Belgrade in which I would explain everything that was going on in the 90s and my role in that, then Tijanic, Nikitovic, Bulatovic, Jocic, Saper… start new campaign aimed to prove that I am a criminal and a murderer and even invent the story that I made threats to Serbia President Boris Tadic. I request that judicial bodies investigate their claims…

Campaign against Djindjic ordered, too
‘Should I remind that the target of these bandits at that time was the whole DS only because it started leading policy that should clean Serbia of war criminals and lead it to Europe. Let judicial bodies check this, too. My lawyers have already filed criminal charges against those who ordered campaign that ended with Djindjic’s assassination. Why the prosecutor has never acted as per it?
There is also one important question for the prosecutor to reply: why after coming in power of Tadic’s DS he has never dealt with what he had promised to deal with: the background of assassination of Zoran Djindjic? Is it possible that the DS finds it more important to determine who allegedly took part in cigarette smuggling in 1996 than to find out who took part in preparation of murder of its president?
I am ready to forward to the competent bodies all the proofs.
-Geneva, August 10, 2009

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